.2012-13 國際扶輪社長2013年6月份的文告

        扶輪的國際年會能予人強力的震撼,您第一次參加的國際年會將令您畢生難忘。我第一次參加國際年會是1980 年的芝加哥年會。那一年我當了八潮扶輪社社長。我當時想我們應該對扶輪瞭解更多,因此我請社內其他九位社員同我去參加國際年會,我們一起旅赴芝加哥。我們不知道國際年會將是怎樣的會議。我們看到的國際年會任我們任何一人怎麼也想像不到。
       我很高興將有機會以來自日本的國際扶輪社長身分參與在葡萄牙舉行的國際年會。葡萄牙和日本的關係可追溯到1542 年。當年,有一艘葡萄牙船在日本南部的一個島靠岸。那些葡萄牙水手原先不是打算到日本。強風把他們的船吹離了航線。但塞翁失馬焉知非福,那次意外開啟了和平且成果豐碩的葡日關係。
       1993 年,日本及葡萄牙慶祝兩國友好關係締交450 年。葡萄牙也是日本人第一個到過的歐洲國家,在16 世紀中葉。葡萄牙人在日本的悠久歷史對我的國家產生了長久影響。
       葡萄牙人意外發現了日本。但是里斯本被選為今年國際年會的地點絕非意外。里斯本是和平之港。和平是這次年會的主題,正如和平是日本及葡萄牙之間將近500 年關係的主題。








RI President’s Message in June 2013


   A Rotary convention is a powerful thing, and a first convention is an experience you never forget. My first was in Chicago, in 1980. That was the year I was president of the Rotary Club of Yashio. I thought we should learn more about Rotary, so I asked nine other members of my club to join me, and we traveled to Chicago together. We did not know what to expect from a Rotary convention. What we found was more than any of us had imagined.
     That convention showed me Rotary, and changed me forever. It gave our club something to strive for. I came to that convention as a member of a Rotary club. I left it as a Rotarian. The feeling that entered my heart in Chicago is still there today.
      I am glad I will have the opportunity, as an RI president from Japan, to be part of the
convention in Portugal. Portugal and Japan have a history together that began in the year 1542. This was the year that a Portuguese boat landed on a southern Japanese island. The Portuguese sailors did not plan to come to Japan. Strong winds blew their boat off course. But it was a happy accident, and the beginning of a peaceful and prosperous relationship.
      In 1993, Japan and Portugal celebrated 450 years of good relations. Portugal was the
first European country visited by the Japanese, in the middle of the 16th century. And the long Portuguese presence in Japan has had a lasting effect on my country.
      The Portuguese found Japan by accident. But it is no accident that Lisbon has been chosen for this convention. Lisbon is A Harbor for Peace. And peace is the theme of this convention, as it has been the theme between Japan and Portugal for nearly 500 years.
      As Rotarians, we work toward peace in many ways. We do it through humanitarian service. We do it through our belief in Service Above Self. And we work toward peace
simply by being who we are. Every year, when we come together for a Rotary convention,
we see, for a few days, the world as it could be. We see people of all colors and cultures
come together. We work to build a better world.
     I hope you will join me, and your fellow Rotarians, as we celebrate this year of  Peace Through Service together.




Sakuji Tanaka

President, Rotary International