.2012-13 國際扶輪社長2013年3月份的文告



  年輕時,我曾想環遊世界。但在那個年代,我只能夢想旅行。日本以外的世界似乎很遙遠。我像所有日本學生一樣,在學校也學英文。我仍然記得我的英文課本第一冊。第一頁說,「這是一支鋼筆。」那是將近50 年前的事,半個世紀以來世界已改變許多。作為扶輪社長,我現在經常旅行,次數之多遠超過我的想像。   

  扶輪青少年交換計畫已經持續40 多年成功運作,聲名歷久不墜,而且現在已成為第五個服務途徑的一部份:新世代服務。這個服務途徑也包括透過扶輪少年服務團、扶輪青年服務團、扶輪青少年領袖獎、及許多扶輪社及地區辦理的 30 歲以下青少年活動。








RI President’s Message in March 2013


   When I was a young man, I wanted to travel the world. But in those years, I could only dream about travel. The world outside Japan seemed far away. But like all Japanese students, I studied English in school. I still remember my first English book. The first page said, “This is a pen.” That was almost 50 years ago, and the world has changed a lot since then. As president of Rotary, I now travel more than I ever dreamed.

      In every new place, I find a new language. I find new people and new customs. I do my best to learn from everyone. I believe that every person I meet has something to teach. Perhaps because of this, I feel that I understand Rotary Youth Exchange better. And I understand even better what a great gift Rotary is giving through Youth Exchange. Youth Exchange opens minds. It builds confidence and communication. It brings together people from different countries and backgrounds.

     Every young person who goes on a Rotary Youth Exchange will learn a great deal.  

     Youth Exchange students learn how people who seem so different are really the same. They begin to appreciate what unites people everywhere. They have a broader understanding of the world. They come back as different people.
      They no longer know only one language, only one culture. They have connections with their host country, and with their fellow participants from other countries. At the end of their exchange, they are part of their host families. They are also part of the Rotary family – the largest and most international family in the world.
      Rotary’s Youth Exchange program has continued for more than 40 successful years
and is now part of the fifth Avenue of Service: New Generations Service. This avenue also includes service through Interact, Rotaract, Rotary Youth Leadership Awards, and many club and district activities that involve people up to age 30.
      When we focus on young people, we are focusing on building the future of Rotary and a more peaceful world. When we serve youth, we help to bring Rotary to a new generation. We spread understanding among nations and cultures. We teach the importance of service to others, and pass on our core values. By doing this, we help to build peace.

      Youth Exchange plays an essential part in Rotary’s global mission of building peace by helping to build, one exchange at a time, good relationships between nations.






Sakuji Tanaka

President, Rotary International