.2012-13 國際扶輪社長2013年2月份的文告


  去年12 月,我在我們為這個扶輪年度規劃的三場扶輪全球和平討論會的第一場討論會中演講。這個第一場討論會在柏林和平鐘所在地柏林舉行,主題為「和平沒有國界」。那座和平鐘有3 公尺高,重量超過2 公噸,是一件藝術品。側面刻著幾個字:「時間將摧毀所有高牆。」

        那座鐘是在1989 年11 月9 日揭幕。也就是柏林圍牆倒下當天。時鐘上的時針和分針一開始走時,一聲令下,通往西柏林邊界便打開,真是配合得天衣無縫。時鐘側面的字已變成事實。








RI President’s Message in February 2013


   In December, I spoke at the first of the three Rotary Global Peace Forums we have planned for this Rotary year. This first event, with the theme “Peace Without Borders,” was held in Berlin, the home of the Berlin Peace Clock. The clock, intended as a piece of art, is 3 meters high and weighs over 2 tons. On its side are inscribed the words, Time bursts all walls asunder.
      The clock was unveiled on 9 November 1989. That was the day the Berlin Wall fell. It was a wonderful coincidence that the moment the hands on the clock began to move, the orders were given to open the border to West Berlin. The words written on the side of the clock had come true.
     In Rotary, we do not divide our work by nation, culture, or language. It does not
matter what is printed in your passport. What matters is that you believe in Service
Above Self. But even in Rotary, it is easy to think in terms of countries or communities.
This project may help someone in my own community, or that project may help
someone from Germany, or Kenya, or South Africa. Sometimes we think of different
types of borders. This project, we think, helps the young. This helps the elderly. This
helps people who are hungry, poor, or sick, or who have disabilities.
      The truth is that Service Above Self does not know such borders. When we serve,
the impact is not limited to our community, or the community we are helping. We are
not only helping the young, or the elderly, or this school, or that orphanage. When we
serve, we are helping all of humanity. The effects of what we do go on and on.
      When we put Service Above Self, we are making a choice. We are choosing to put
other people’s needs ahead of our own desires. We are saying, “Your problems are my
problems, and I care enough to help you.”
      Rotary brings peace by addressing the needs that cause conflict: the need for clean
water, for nutrition, sanitation, and health care. When these needs are met, there is
opportunity. And there is hope. Hope has no borders. It is the garden from which
peace can grow.
      Peace Through Service brings out the best in us. It makes us aware of the borders we set up around ourselves – and it helps us tear them down.




Sakuji Tanaka

President, Rotary International