.2012-13 RI社長年度主題文告-以服務促進和平


  和平,是我們 2012-13 年度的重點與目標。我請每一位扶輪社員都要積極從事「以服務促進和平」的活動。為了實現和平,所有的個人,家庭,扶輪社都必須在地區,地域以至國家開始致力和平。








 2012-13 RI Theme-Peace Through Service

     The concept of peace is one that differs among people and cultures. It may mean personal tranquility, happiness in the family, and a sense of inner contentment - or it may mean a situation of safety where basic human needs are met. However we define peace, it is a goal that can be achieved through service.
  In Rotary, service is much more than a sideline or an occasional pursuit. It is a way of life. It is an approach that emphasizes consideration and caring for others, and leads to harmony among people. Through embracing service in all aspects of our lives, we foster a spirit of sharing, find goodwill for others, and choose peace.
  In the 2012-13 Rotary year, peace will be our focus and our goal. I will ask all Rotarians to actively work for Peace Through Service, beginning with every individual, family, club, district, region, and nation.
  A belief in the power of service lies at the very heart of Rotary. By making service our priority, we put the needs of others above our own and transform our perspective. We empathize more deeply with the difficulties of other people; we feel a greater drive to reach out, to do what we can to help others live more happily. We become more generous with our time and resources, and more open to new ways of thinking. Instead of trying to change others, we recognize that everyone and everything has something to teach us - and every day, there are new ways for us to grow.
  Through service, we become more tolerant of our differences, and more grateful for the people in our lives. Our sense of gratitude drives us to understand others better and to see the good in everyone. Through better understanding, we learn to respect others. With mutual respect, we live with others in peace.
  Our Rotary service fosters peace in many ways. In our clubs and our districts, we work to bring health, safety, and human dignity to communities around the world. As individuals, we are inspired to value cooperation over competition, and the common good over personal gain. Through  elfreflection, we recognize that none of us is perfect and that each of us has something to learn from others.
  The motto that is unique to Rotary, Service Above Self, describes the highest form of service. It is a path that anyone can walk - a path that Rotarians have built, and that the whole world can follow. It is a path that leads to greater kindness and contentment, tolerance and understanding. When we embrace Peace Through Service, we strive for a greater peace for ourselves, and for our world.






Sakuji Tanaka

President, Rotary International